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returntothepit >> discuss >> Really? REALLY???!!!! by Hoser on Jul 19,2010 9:19pm
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toggletoggle post by Hoser at Jul 19,2010 9:19pm

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 19,2010 9:21pm
yea. they've been talkin' about that for sometime I guess. i don't care if it's a mosque, church, temple, whathaveyou.. they shouldn't put anything there.
but the fact it's a mosque is LOL worthy?

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jul 19,2010 9:32pm
I dont see this going very well at all.

toggletoggle post by Woah!_Shut_It_Down!  at Jul 19,2010 9:39pm

toggletoggle post by bobnomaamrooney at Jul 19,2010 9:53pm
I don't see why people are so up in arms over a fucking Mosque. Everyone knows JEWS DID 9/11 not sand niggers.

toggletoggle post by HTR   at Jul 19,2010 10:18pm
Well they found that boat that had been buried under ground zero since the 1700's, so I have heard tell they will try to convert the land to some kind of preservation to prevent the mosque. I really don't give a shit what happens either way. Rebuilding a symbol of our economic power, while our entire economy is FUCKING FAKE any way, seems pointless.

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jul 19,2010 11:49pm
bobnomaamrooney said[orig][quote]
I don't see why people are so up in arms over a fucking Mosque. Everyone knows JEWS DID 9/11 not sand niggers.

twas the Zionists.

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Jul 20,2010 4:26am
Let them build the mosque, then we'll fly a plane into it.

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Jul 20,2010 7:59am
they should build a Bossk mosque.

toggletoggle post by porphyria at Jul 20,2010 11:29am
Interesting counterpoints...

Jim Collier | July 12, 2010 9:17 AM

You are ranting against the wrong thing, and using erroneous facts and fallacious reasoning to do it.

You are also conveniently forgetting that 23 Muslims died in the attacks (roughly the same % as in the US population).

To say that Islam is a religion of terror, would be like saying Christianity is a religion of murder, or Scientology a religion of tax evasion. (All three assertions are more or less true.)

If you paraphrase (in your own butchered understanding) tenets of Islam, you must do the same for Christianity. I mean, have you read the Old and/or New Testaments? (I have. Three versions.) If your child talks back to you...the punishment? DEATH. Planning on doing some yardwork on Sunday? DEATH. Who should mete out this punishment? Anyone who witnesses it. It goes on and on. Even Jesus--when a fig tree looked at him crossly, guess the punishment: That's right, DEATH.

Or how about using terror and indiscriminate killing to further a political agenda? Heard of the "Crusades"? The "Dark Ages"? The "Witch Trials"? "Shock and Awe"? (And if you question that last one: look up the definition of "Terrorism" and tell me it isn't the very definition.)

The number of innocent civilians--mostly women and children--killed in Iraq is 10,000 at the (absurdly) lowest, to 1 million at the highest. (Most experts tend to settle on 100,000.) 100,000 innocent human lives. 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attacks.

Are we even yet?

I do agree with your overall sentiment--the outrage over the idea of a Mosque at Ground Zero. (I'm also skeptical of the reality of such plans, but will do my own research using.) But I tend to tune people out who make assertions of the absolute, such as "anyone who denies this is wrong" (two absolutes in one sentence).

And while it's clear you believe it doesn't matter (but in fact it does--that is, if similar Christian pleas over Christian atrocities also matter), you have also failed to mention that the overwhelming majority of Muslim clerics have condemned the attacks as being fundamentally anti-Islam. Just as many modern-day Judeo-Christian shamans decry the barbarism in both Old and New Testaments (the latter cult using lame excuses and circuitous logic of Jesus rendering the Old Testament basically null and void).

*ALL* religion and other forms of extreme groupthink are the disease. (This includes jingoism, hyper-nationalism, and other forms of arbitrary, unreasonably passionate group identification resulting in extreme, uncivilized and/or harmful behavior.) Irreligion is the only cure. And I don't mean a Jihad against religion--I mean we must all wake up, rub our sleepy eyes, and reject ALL religion, superstition, nonscience, antiscience, groupthink, propaganda, and miscellaneous nonsense.

Religion and other forms of irrational thought will die on their own when enough people dismiss it out-of-hand as the fallacy of children. (After all, you don't see people killing in the name of the Tooth Fairy.) Although, I doubt I will live to see that day. I'm sure there are people reading this (probably most decidedly anti-Muslim).

toggletoggle post by porphyria at Jul 20,2010 11:31am

Islamophobia: Have We Learned Anything From History?
An Editorial by Warren J. Blumenfeld

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. --Santayana

Two months following Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, on February 19, 1942, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 authorizing military officials to operate “military areas” as “exclusion zones,” from which “any or all persons may be excluded.” This order justified the exclusion and forced relocation of all people of Japanese ancestry from the entire Pacific coast into concentration campus in the interior U.S. Though the country was at war with Germany and Italy as well, and though no single case of suspected Japanese American espionage activity was ever proven, the government stripped an estimated 110,000 Japanese U.S.-American citizens of their constitutional protections and their property, and transported them long distances.

It was not until 1988 when Congress passed legislation apologizing and providing monetary reparations to Japanese Americans for this tragic chapter in U.S. history. The legislation confirmed that the actions taken by our government were founded on “race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership.”

Fast forward to the horrendous events of September 11, 2001. A national poll found that 31% of U.S. residents asserted that our government should incarcerate Arab Americas in concentration camps as we did with Japanese Americans during World War II.

I wonder whether we have learned anything from history? To stereotype and scapegoat all followers of Islam for the events of 9/11 is as invalid as blaming all Christians for the despicable actions perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber who was a devout Christian.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released its 2006 report finding that approximately 25% of U.S.-Americans consider Islam as a religion of hatred and violence, and that those with the most biased attitudes tend to be older, less educated, politically conservative, and are more often to belong to the Republican Party.

Though a 1963 U.S. Supreme Court case ruled unconstitutional any mandatory prayers or Bible readings at public schools or the promotion of religion, subsequent rulings declared the constitutionality of many forms of personal religious expression on school campuses.

The physical education teacher of a Muslim elementary school student in Iowa, however, forbad her from wearing a traditional Muslim full-body swimming garment during instruction in the school pool, but ordered her, instead, to wear a western-style bathing suit, which would force the student to act against her faith. Her mother was compelled to educate the principal on Muslim religious practices. After much discussion, the principal agreed to permit the student to wear a swimming garment of her choice, though he warned the girl’s parent that the child would most likely incur angry and mocking epithets from her classmates.

Muslim students, faculty, and staff, however, are routinely not accorded the opportunity to have a safe prayer space on campus to perform the salat (prayer), as required by the Five Pillars of Islam. A case in point involved a 17-year-old high school junior in Ohio, who was barred by school administrators from praying in an empty classroom at lunch and before and after class hours. In this case, CAIR stepped in on the student’s behalf, and convinced the school district to reverse its policy.

Today, especially since September 11, 2001, we see growing numbers of violent acts directed against Muslims. During the single year of 2005, for example, CAIR listed a total of 1,522 civil rights violations against American Muslims, 114 of which were violent hate crimes. The report included incidents of violence, as well as harassment and discriminatory treatment, including “unreasonable arrests, detentions, and searches/seizures.” For example, the CAIR report included an incident in which a Muslim woman wearing a hijab (the garment many Muslim women wear in public) took her baby for a walk in a stroller, when a man driving a truck nearly ran them over. The woman cried out that, “You almost killed my baby!,” and the man responded, “It wouldn’t have been a big loss.”

Nearly one-quarter of all reported civil rights violations against American Muslims involve unwarranted arrests and searches. Law enforcement agencies routinely “profile” Muslims of apparent Middle Eastern heritage in airports or simply while driving in their cars for interrogation and invasive and aggressive searches. In addition, governmental agencies, such as the IRS and FBI, continue to enter individuals’ private homes and mosques and make unreasonable arrests and detentions.

Individuals have targeted Sikhs and Hindus as well. Between 2002 and 2005, the Sikh Coalition organization listed 62 hate crimes directed against Sikh citizens of the United States. National attention focused on the severe beating of Rajinder Singh Shalsa in New York City, and the fatal shooting of Sikh gas station owner Balbir Singh Sodhi in Mesa, Arizona. It is widely assumed that Sikhs are targeted because they wear turbans, which the public imagination equates with Muslims, which equates with “terrorism.”

In June 2003, attackers targeted Saurabh Bhalerao, a 24- year-old Indian graduate student studying in Massachusetts, who robbed, burned him with cigarettes, beat, stuffed in a truck, and twice stabbed before they dumped him along the road. The attackers allegedly misidentified this Hindu student as a Muslim because during the assault, the perpetrators yelled at him, “Go back to Iraq”.

Islamic xenophobia routinely surfaced throughout the last presidential election. Members of the political right challenged and spread rumors regarding Barack Obama’s cultural, social, and religious background, political philosophies, U.S. birth status, and patriotism. Insinuations flew about his supposed Islamic background connected to his alleged Marxist and Fascist (which is a contradiction) political influences.

Opponents referred to him as Barack Hussein Obama – with emphasis on “Hussein” -- in their attempts to connect him not only to the Muslim faith, but also to the former ruler of Iraq. In actuality, his middle name is indeed “Hussein,” which in Arabic translates to “good” or “beautiful.” Furthermore, since this country is founded on the notion of freedom of religion, whichever religious or non-religious background any candidate, or any individual, follows should in no way disqualify or call into question their credentials.

Islamophobia can be defined as prejudice and discrimination toward the religion of Islam and Muslims who follow its teachings and practices. Like racism and sexism, for example, Islamophibia is much more than a fear, for it is a taught and often learned attitude and behavior, and, therefore, falls under the category of oppression.

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Jul 20,2010 11:31am
I still hate extremist dune diddlers.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 11:31am
Our country has been brainwashed to be islamaphobic. West vs. East.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jul 20,2010 11:36am
Cold War: Part Deux

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Jul 20,2010 11:41am
Slowly stone women to death or you're raviolis.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 11:50am
damn, I said that islamaphobia comment without seeing your post. We caught the same wave.

toggletoggle post by c.dEad at Jul 20,2010 11:50am

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Jul 20,2010 12:52pm

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jul 20,2010 12:53pm

toggletoggle post by ShadowSD  at Jul 20,2010 1:08pm
It would be nice if no one decided to build any religious temples of any sort anywhere and everyone thought for themselves. That would be an ideal world.

We have a country though that is based on religious freedom, which is the only system capable of respecting the freedom not to be, and in that sense people getting outraged about the Islamic aspect of this have it completely backwards; there's no greater middle finger to the 9/11 terrorists than to build a Mosque and show that our society's acceptance of all beliefs hasn't been shaken by them.

To protest explicitly because of the Islam aspect is to say they succeeded.

It's timid and cowardly.

toggletoggle post by ValkyrieScreams  at Jul 20,2010 1:35pm
porphyria said[orig][quote]
*ALL* religion and other forms of extreme groupthink are the disease...
Religion and other forms of irrational thought will die on their own when enough people dismiss it out-of-hand as the fallacy of children.


ShadowSD said[orig][quote]
We have a country though that is based on religious freedom... there's no greater middle finger to the 9/11 terrorists than to build a Mosque and show that our society's acceptance of all beliefs hasn't been shaken by them.

Agreed! Still, the victim mentality of those who actually survived the event or even of those who lived nearby will overpower the possibility of anyone seeing it from that perspective. It was extrordinarily traumatic for people from, not just NYC, but from the whole Tri-State area.
I was at school (in north NJ) a half hour drive from the WTC when it happened. We could see the smoke from campus. Tons of my classmates had family there and one of my best friends at the time lived a block from the WTC. Although their lives have resumed some level of normalcy over the years, there's still a lot of people who just can't or won't get over it. And those are the ones who will keep protesting anything that reminds them of what they lost.

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Jul 20,2010 2:22pm
Shame on people who don't recognize extremism and dogma when they see it. There are thousands of sects (interpretations) of every religion and you'd think that would be enough to caution somebody against what is supposedly a divine word. Al Qaeda did exactly what it set out to do which was stimulate fear in an ignorant population and drain our illusionary economy into our military-corporate-industrial black hole. 9/11 was carried out by extremists who call themselves Muslims and somebody somewhere became rich.

We're living in the future, the population of the world is as tolerant and peaceful as it's ever going to get. Politicians in Europe who support deporting all Muslims are gaining support in retaliation to a few extremists and apologists who bend to Sharia law because people still insist on mixing public policy with religion.

So long as education is expensive and life is cheap - dogma and groupthink will continue. I hope they build 50 mosques at ground zero to lead the Christian Right further down the fascist slope.

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Jul 20,2010 2:28pm

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Jul 20,2010 2:29pm

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 2:30pm

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Jul 20,2010 2:43pm edited Jul 20,2010 2:43pm
The comments on that site are amazing. This one pretty much sums them up -

"What has happened to the United States? We allow countries like Iran, North Korea,and most of the Muslim world to do and say what ever they want. With a Muslim administration in Washington, they are leting them spread their hatred around the world. Muslims hate everyone. Jews, Christians, Black,and every other ethnic group around the world. It is time the world sent them packing. It seems Australia is the only country that tells them to get lost.I believe it was last year a muslim beheaded either his wife or daughter for being Americanized. Why wasnt this Muslim put on trial and then executed? Lets wake up. Its time to muster our strengths and fight back. Obooma, has done nothing to protect our country from the Muslims who hate the world. Its time to open our eyes and ears. Remember when Obooma said that he was going to visit all 57 states?
Guess how many states there are in Islam?"

I do believe there are a large number of black Muslims, but... what's the point of going any further with a response to that.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 2:47pm
Every religion has extremists. Keep in mind American/Israeli intelligence has been pulling puppet strings for a long time. We created the war on terror to monopolize certain industries. Regardless if one agrees whether 9/11 was a false flag attack or real, big business made profits. As in the past, expect a new war to arise soon; it will assist with the economy. The US has been robbed point blank.

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Jul 20,2010 2:50pm

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Jul 20,2010 2:51pm
Who gives a fuck if it's a mosque, a church, a synagogue, a satanic altar -- all are gay (well, the satanic altar is a little less gay), and NOTHING should be built there. How about a park with some treess? That piece of shit sewer-of-a-city could use a few more trees.

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jul 20,2010 2:55pm
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]
That piece of shit sewer-of-a-city could use a few more trees.


toggletoggle post by Yeti at Jul 20,2010 3:22pm
i don't really give a rat's ass about religion anymore, but it's eternally hilarious to me that the people who are bitching most about this mosque are Christians/Catholics, who are part of the biggest terrorist group of all time, and vicariously support astronomical atrocities committed by the same terrorist group.

toggletoggle post by ShadowSD  at Jul 20,2010 3:25pm
Neocon propaganda + double digit IQ =

"What has happened to the United States? We allow countries like Iran, North Korea,and most of the Muslim world to do and say what ever they want. With a Muslim administration in Washington, they are leting them spread their hatred around the world. Muslims hate everyone. Jews, Christians, Black,and every other ethnic group around the world. It is time the world sent them packing. It seems Australia is the only country that tells them to get lost.I believe it was last year a muslim beheaded either his wife or daughter for being Americanized. Why wasnt this Muslim put on trial and then executed? Lets wake up. Its time to muster our strengths and fight back. Obooma, has done nothing to protect our country from the Muslims who hate the world. Its time to open our eyes and ears. Remember when Obooma said that he was going to visit all 57 states?
Guess how many states there are in Islam?"

toggletoggle post by m nli at Jul 20,2010 3:29pm

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 3:33pm
lol ^

toggletoggle post by timma at Jul 20,2010 3:35pm
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]
Who gives a fuck if it's a mosque, a church, a synagogue, a satanic altar -- all are gay (well, the satanic altar is a little less gay), and NOTHING should be built there. How about a park with some treess? That piece of shit sewer-of-a-city could use a few more trees.

How are you not President? I'd vote for you.

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Jul 20,2010 3:47pm
timma said[orig][quote]
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]
Who gives a fuck if it's a mosque, a church, a synagogue, a satanic altar -- all are gay (well, the satanic altar is a little less gay), and NOTHING should be built there. How about a park with some treess? That piece of shit sewer-of-a-city could use a few more trees.

How are you not President? I'd vote for you.

Hey thanks. I'd be more apt to start my own nation so I can sculpt it as I see fit. I'll see if Canada wants to slice off a little piece so I can get on this.

toggletoggle post by DreadKill  at Jul 20,2010 3:49pm
you got my vote when you first said "fight him or you're a pussy."

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Jul 20,2010 3:59pm
DreadKill said[orig][quote]
you got my vote when you first said "fight him or you're a pussy."

That will be Article 1 in my "Bill of No Rights".

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 4:06pm
hope you're not bigger than Taft. He got stuck in the bathtub at the whitehouse and was said to have the worst smelling farts. he was said to be over 320 lbs or something

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Jul 20,2010 4:15pm
I don't see how talking about things that christianity did has anything to do with this. What, because it was accepted at the time? It wouldn't be accepted now, thus is no longer relevant....

that being said..... I don't think a mosque at ground zero is a great idea, but i also think religious buildings in GENERAL are a bad idea.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 4:17pm
I always thought the sound museum was a religious building.

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Jul 20,2010 4:19pm
Spiritual, it's spiritual man.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 4:23pm
many rituals have happened there.

toggletoggle post by Lamp  at Jul 20,2010 4:25pm
Erect a 20-story tubgirl statue with fountain at Ground Zero or America is a pussy.

toggletoggle post by goatcatalystnli at Jul 20,2010 4:54pm
20 story statue of the prophet Muhammad of GTFO

ps burn all houses of worship

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 5:01pm
What makes it so funny is that both Christianity and I-slam are abrahamic religions. Quite sad.
The human race needs to wake up.

toggletoggle post by timma at Jul 20,2010 5:07pm
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
many rituals have happened there.

I had a ritual in the crapper there last week. It summoned many stink demons.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 5:15pm
hope jimbo remembered to leave toilet paper.

toggletoggle post by narkybark   at Jul 20,2010 5:43pm
I heard he prefers to scrub the shit off the walls

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Jul 20,2010 7:22pm
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
hope you're not bigger than Taft. He got stuck in the bathtub at the whitehouse and was said to have the worst smelling farts. he was said to be over 320 lbs or something

Haha, no, I'm not a fatboy. Actually I am at a trim 230 right now, which ain't bad when you are 6'4". I think I even saw an ab muscle the other day...

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jul 20,2010 7:49pm
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
hope you're not bigger than Taft. He got stuck in the bathtub at the whitehouse and was said to have the worst smelling farts. he was said to be over 320 lbs or something

Haha, no, I'm not a fatboy. Actually I am at a trim 230 right now, which ain't bad when you are 6'4". I think I even saw an ab muscle the other day...

I'm 6'4 and my doctor told me I need to weigh 180lbs. I do not see how that's possible.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 7:50pm
haha. same here. i'm nearly 6'6'' but i'm stuck around 250 right now. need to get back to 200. time to go on the martins diet.

toggletoggle post by Lamp  at Jul 20,2010 7:53pm
One of my friends is 6'7 or so and weighs about 160.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 7:55pm
I'm assuming that your friend is a but a cousin, and he goes by the name Streetlight.

toggletoggle post by Lamp  at Jul 20,2010 7:57pm
Reference went right over my head.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 20,2010 7:59pm

Tall and skinny, like this? Same function as a lamp?
I admit, it was a lame joke.

toggletoggle post by m nli at Jul 21,2010 9:46am
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
haha. same here. i'm nearly 6'6'' but i'm stuck around 250 right now. need to get back to 200. time to go on the martins diet.

lol central

toggletoggle post by HTR   at Jul 21,2010 10:08am
just get yourself some tapeworms, and the weight will just melt away... :]

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Jul 21,2010 6:32pm
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said[orig][quote]
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
hope you're not bigger than Taft. He got stuck in the bathtub at the whitehouse and was said to have the worst smelling farts. he was said to be over 320 lbs or something

Haha, no, I'm not a fatboy. Actually I am at a trim 230 right now, which ain't bad when you are 6'4". I think I even saw an ab muscle the other day...

I'm 6'4 and my doctor told me I need to weigh 180lbs. I do not see how that's possible.

Tell your doctor he is a faggot and to immediately give you a long, slow prostate exam.

toggletoggle post by dang it bo at Jul 21,2010 10:01pm
i dunno wut this here threds about but i juss wanna say hoser is a dumb queer who dont know doodley SQUAT!

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jul 23,2010 7:57am
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said[orig][quote]
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
hope you're not bigger than Taft. He got stuck in the bathtub at the whitehouse and was said to have the worst smelling farts. he was said to be over 320 lbs or something

Haha, no, I'm not a fatboy. Actually I am at a trim 230 right now, which ain't bad when you are 6'4". I think I even saw an ab muscle the other day...

I'm 6'4 and my doctor told me I need to weigh 180lbs. I do not see how that's possible.

Tell your doctor he is a faggot and to immediately give you a long, slow prostate exam.

With his tongue?

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Jul 23,2010 8:59am
religion is gay

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jul 23,2010 9:02am
sxealex said[orig][quote]
religion is gay

only the xel'naga are real.

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Jul 23,2010 9:52am
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said[orig][quote]
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said[orig][quote]
largefreakatzero said[orig][quote]
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
hope you're not bigger than Taft. He got stuck in the bathtub at the whitehouse and was said to have the worst smelling farts. he was said to be over 320 lbs or something

Haha, no, I'm not a fatboy. Actually I am at a trim 230 right now, which ain't bad when you are 6'4". I think I even saw an ab muscle the other day...

I'm 6'4 and my doctor told me I need to weigh 180lbs. I do not see how that's possible.

Tell your doctor he is a faggot and to immediately give you a long, slow prostate exam.

With his tongue?

I'm not aware of any other method.

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