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: post by Aura_At_Dusk at 2007-09-11 15:23:04
PatMeebles said:
Aura_At_Dusk said:
I didn't say he wasn't up to par this has nothing to do with golf.

ha... ha...

Just saying i don't believe his opinion. I wish i could believe everything that was written down it would be so much easier....and like you brought up at one point it was believed that the world was flat, im sure that was a huge shock to them because it was written down it had to be true, so what makes this so impossible? Professors and scientists are wrong all the time but they correct themselves when they get new information. So im sure his theory he wouldn't set in stone

You haven't even read the equations. You have nothing to try to falsify in the first place. You're just reflexively denying what he's saying because it doesn't fit into your preconceived notions.

And you're right. Professors are wrong all the time. So it's entirely plausible that they couldn't account for every scenario when designing the WTC in the early 1960's (when computer models didn't exist that were accurate enough). But I don't think the issue is my inability to accept that scientists can be wrong. It's your inability to accept that rebuttals from conspiracy theorists can and will be wrong, too.

By the way, math is of a level of importance in determining everyday and scientific situations that denying an equation's ability to analyze events shows just how small a grasp you have on the world.

Why, the earth is round? But you can't SEE that! All you have is mathematical equations! What? You say we're orbiting the sun and not vice versa. But you can't SEE that! All you have is mathematical equations based on star positions! Math is useless! haha

I don't know what we are arguing anymore. I have nothing against math except I didn't like it in school.
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